A B Graphic International

A B Graphics has been manufacturing innovative print finishing equipment for over 60 years, and the technology has been perfected with their customers’ feedback.
It is only by having equipment out there, across the world, working hard for the customers day in day out, that ABG can understand how to make it better. It is an evolutionary process that takes place over many years, and there are no shortcuts.

The fact that ABG has been designing and developing finishing equipment for so long, and have installed 11,000 machines worldwide for 2,500 customers, speaks for itself.

Their foundations are solid, the technology is proven and the customers return for more.  All of this means that you can invest with confidence. It helps too that ABG is a friendly, family run but global business that cares about its customers and is determined to help them succeed.

With manufacturing facilities in the UK and Germany, sales and service offices in the UK, Germany, USA, France, Holland and Spain, and a worldwide network of distribution partners, ABG can provide comprehensive support for your business, wherever you are.

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Contact us

  • 3 Print Israel

    46 Sokolov St.,
    Hod Hasharon, 4528475
    Tel: +972-9-9750010

  • 3 Print Hellas

    Ierou Lochou 3,
    Marousi 151 24, Athens
    Tel: +30-210-6180066
    Fax: +30-210-6180065

  • 3 Print Bulgaria

    98 Bulgaria Blvd, Astra Bldg.
    Sofia 1680, Bulgaria
    Tel: +359-2-9587720
    Fax: +359-2-9587721

  • 3 Print Hungary

    Albert Flórián út 10
    1097 Budapest, Hungary
    Tel: +36-1-5557400
    Fax: + 36-1-5557401

  • 3 Print Adriatik

    Opekarniška 15c
    3000 Celje, Slovenia
    Tel: +386-3-6200800
    Fax: +386-3-6200801

  • 3 Print Spain

    C.Reverend Martí Duran 7
    08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Spain
    Tel: +34-617.729.362

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